
Lake Shore - 1 Viewing
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Come for a swim at Chesapeake Lake. The waters are warm year round, and always so clear. You can see to the bottom.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Hot Springs
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Naturally heated, the springs are very warm almost too hot during the summer time. In the winter, it's amazing to rest and relax in.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Wisteria Grove
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Take a walk beneath the cover of Wisteria branches. During the spring time, this is one of the most beautiful places to visit. The path is more than three miles long, allowing guests to see such beauty for a long period of time.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Eagle's Peak
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Known for its Eagle shape, this mountain is not very large. It is unknown how the rock was formed, but some might think it was left behind by the humans, that one of them chiseled it into the rock.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Rustic Meadow
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The meadow is a calm and peaceful place, perfect for spring picnics or summer sporting events. Flowers line the floor while there are few trees to help give shade.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
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Once a small attraction outside the city, during the end of the Humans this place of joy and adrenaline also fell to ruin and was never restored. The water rides lay in stagnant water, the metal tracks are rusted. Some of the rides are still hooked up to electricity and may run if you know how to work them, but of course they are in a bad state and are unsafe. Be cautious - there's a lot of broken and falling parts, and there are thugs that hang around sometimes, setting fire to things.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Cynder Cabin - 1 Viewing
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Ever heard of the cabin in the woods? This is not that cabin, though it is in the woods. It has been abandoned for many years, but it seems to be rather updated. Visitors make upgrades, but never leave a trace of them being here.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Crescent Falls
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Shaped like a half moon, the water falls down the rocks into the lake below. The water is cold all year long. The rocks are jagged and if you are not careful, you can slip and fall. There is a decent rock to jump off of into the pool below. Many thrill seekers come here.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00

Chesapeake Lake

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