
The Gated Community
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In these lands, the tigers like to live alone, only mated pairs living in one common place. The territory is gated off from the rest of the world, with a four-digit passcode needed to enter. Only tigers accepted into the pack are allowed to live here. As tigers are promoted, their houses get bigger and better. The community has a lawn care service as well as a maid service.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
The Iron Man
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This is one of the most used areas by the tigers. They love to work out and lift weights. All necessary work out equipment is available to be used here, anything you can think of.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Manic Monkey Playground
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The first adult-sized playground to hit the streets. It offers large slides, swing sets, monkey bars, and so much more. A lot of drunk tigers like to hang out here, as well as the younger generations.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00
Dancing Waters
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Every night during the summertime, these lighted waters put on a beautiful display. Viewers are allowed to run through the water if they please. During the winter and cold months, the water does not run for fear it might freeze.
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Month Day, Year at 00:00

Weretiger Territories

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